SWUFE International Fall Session 西南财经大学国际秋季课程

信息来源:  发布时间:2024-07-12 


Southwestern University of Finance and Economics is located in Chengdu, which is known as the land of abundance. It is a national key university under the Ministry of Education, which is supported by Project 211, Project 985, and the National Innovative Platform Construction of Dominant Discipline. To further scale up the number and improve the quality of international students, provide students with more international exchange opportunities and platform, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics offers International Fall Session each year (from September to November).



1. Curriculum Setting:

项目以全英文形式,参照国际标准进行教学,开设的课程涵盖了经济类、商业类、社会科学类、人文科学类、数学类、物理化学类等多个领域。参照北美大学标准开设的课程列表,可点击此处[1] 详细了解;参照澳洲大学标准开设的课程列表,可点击此处[2] 详细了解。

注:课程清单可能会有更新,若需了解更多或需要相关教学计划具体材料,请通过邮 ysm@swufe.edu.cn与我们具体联系。

Courses are designed by reference to international teaching standards and will be instructed in English. Many academic fields, including Economics, Business, Social Science, Humanity, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, etc, will be covered. To find courses corresponding with North American university standards, click here[3] . To find courses corresponding with Australian university standards, click here[4] .

Note: The course list is subject to change. To know more or to get specific teaching materials, please contact us at ysm@swufe.edu.cn.



2. Application Requirement

项目对所有具备足够语言及学习基础能力的学生开放,包括本科生、研究生、海外留学生、国际学生等,择优录取。学生申请时需填写申请表[5] ,并提供个人证件扫描件、成绩单扫描件和GPA及成绩排名证明,我们将在收到你的申请后的10个工作日内联系你。由于课程时间安排较为紧张,学生每期仅可选择13门课程,如有问题,请及时联系我们。

Students with adequate English proficiency and learning abilities are welcomed to attend the program, including undergraduates, graduates, overseas students, international students etc. The enrollment is merit-based. To apply the program, students are required to fill in Application Form[6] , provide the scanning copy of personal documentation, official transcript, GPA and performance ranking certification. We’ll contact you in 10 working days after the reception of your application. Due to the tight course schedule, for each session, each student is only allowed to choose one to three courses. For any questions, please contact us.



3. Transcripts




The paper transcript will be sent after the end of the session. Please provide accurate mail address information. All the mail generally will reach the destination in 7 days.

Note: Students can also contact email ysm@swufe.edu.cn for the pick-up address.

It is easier and faster to obtain electronic transcripts. Please directly send email to ysm@swufe.edu.cn for transcript application.



4. Contact Us





Email: ysm@swufe.edu.cn

Phone: 028-87092906

Office: International Office, School of International Business

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Address: B114, Tongbo Building, No.555, Liutai Avenue, Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province



5. About Chengdu:


Chengdu, located in the the southwest of China, is the capital of Sichuan province. Since 1999, drawing the support of "Western Development Policy", Chengdu has made earthshaking changes. In 2010, Forbes unveiled top 10 fastest growing cities in the next decade and Chengdu won the first place. In 2015, Chengdu was also selected in The New York Times’ list of the world’s 52 must-see places. Till now, Chengdu has become the most important economic, cultural, and transportation center in Western China. Chengdu enjoys nice weather and is also widely known as “The City Impossible to Leave after Coming”.













